Jan 15

Finesse Agent Cannot View Live Widgets

New Agents receiving an Operation Error when logging into the Finesse Client. Specific error for information is “???33??? Finesse.utilities.l18n.getString(): invalid_getMsg”

 Note the process for creating UCCX Agents was not changed from previous new Agent creations.

 Found the CCX system may have been hitting Bug ID:CSCvk65545.

I forced a data sync from CUIC to CCX Server as per the Bug ID workaround. Agent continued to receive the error. Next step, was to log into CUIC and manually changed Agent permissions to read/execute live widgets for Finesse.

This resolved the issue. Essentially, new Agents are not being placed into the Agent Group in the CUIC Server, hence the Agent did not have required permissions to view/open the live widgets on the Finesse Agent Screen.

Below are the snippets of the Error display also the CUIC Screens I navigated to resolve the issue.

Agent_Finesse_Error CUIC-Error-1 CUIC-Error-2

Feb 25

WFO QM Not Syncing with CCX

A quick little blurb regarding WFO QM and CCX DB Connection.. I’ve setup QM a number of times now.. But I know the below is a little gotcha for newbies.. and speaking from experience this can be very frustrating!

Problem is when attempting to connect the QM Server to the CCX DB. No error is displayed in the Post Install setup.. However, you do not see any CCX info such as Agents when configuring the via the Admin Portal. When attempting to run a manual sync via the Admin Portal, it errors out.

The Sync Log show the below error:

ERROR SYNC2000 Failed to connect to side A of an ACD connection. Will try side B

Resolution is to replace the hyphens with underscores in the server name. This piece of information can be found in the install guide for QM.. Obviously my eyes perused over this key piece of information!

Nov 05

Cisco Mediasense 11.5(1) – Role Based Access for Finesse Agents

Mediasense 11.5(1) has introduced the long awaited role based access for Finesse Agent and Supervisors. Finesse Supervisors can monitor the recordings of only their assigned Teams, while Finesse Agents can only view their own recordings. Recordings include active recordings, associated recordings and archived recordings.

For the above to work, the Finesse AgentInfo gadget is required to be active for both Agents and Supervisors. This feature only applies to Finesse Integrated Contact Centres.

To reference additional 11.5(1) features for Mediasense, please use the below link.


May 25

Calabrio QM / AQM Certificates

Certificates are apart of every UC Install these days.. Even more so now with the introduction of Finesse and third-party gadgets. I recently had to install a certificate for the Calibrio AQM Server, rather than you dig through their guides.. I’ve listed the commands you’ll need below. Have fun.

1. Create the certificate signing request.

“C:\Program Files\Cisco\WFO_QM\Java\bin\keytool.exe” -keystore “C:\Program Files\Common Files\QM\config\.keystore” -storepass C@labr1o -certreq -alias jetty -file jetty.csr -ext san=dns:tg2aqm10.topgun2.uplinx

2. Install the CA Root or Chain Certificates.

“C:\Program Files\Cisco\WFO_QM\Java\bin\keytool.exe” -keystore “C:\Program Files\Common Files\QM\config\.keystore” -storepass C@labr1o -importcert -trustcacerts -alias TG2PDC -file root-cer.cer

3. Install the signed certificate for the AQM Server.

“C:\Program Files\Cisco\WFO_QM\Java\bin\keytool.exe” -keystore “C:\Program Files\Common Files\QM\config\.keystore” -storepass C@labr1o -importcert -alias jetty -file jetty.cer

UPDATE: To increase or specify the length of the key, use the attribute -keysize when generating a CSR.

May 04

Finesse Call Recording with Cisco Medisense 11

I’ll be going through the process to configure Call Recording using Cisco Mediasense with the UCCX Finesse Agent. The Mediasense Server itself requires a server license plus Media Port licenses, the port licenses can be either Audio Only or Audio/Video. As it stands the previously mentioned licenses are a ‘right use’ license. Cisco is trusting partners and customers to apply the correct amount of licenses for their installed instances. The Contact Centre though is different story. Additional Call Recording licenses need to be purchased as the Contact Centre product controls the call recording streams. These licenses must be uploaded to the Contact Centre server. We’ll discuss this further below.

Mediasense seems to work as expected and can record calls in a variety of ways (Phone, Gateway, CUBE) which gives flexibility to various customer requirements. The feature set however needs some more work. I found the Authorisation/Security component of Mediasense Call Recording is very basic compared to other products on the market. Hopefully Cisco is looking at RBAC for future releases.

Lets get to the configuration part, we’ll start with CUCM.

Create an End User either directly on CUCM or via Active Directory. Mediasense requires its API Users to be End Users in CUCM and not Application Users. When deploying Mediasense the initial wizard will ask for this Users details.

Cisco Call Recording

The End Use in my case ‘mediasense’ is required to have the AXL Role and be a member of the Standard CCM Admin Users group

Cisco Call RecordingCUCM communicates with the Mediasense server via a SIP Trunk, even with gateway recording it’s the CUCM Server that will send the INVITES to the Mediasense server.

So go ahead and setup the SIP Trunk configuration. We’ll start with the SIP Profile.

I always find it easier to copy the Standard SIP Profile then make any changes necessary, that way all SIP Profiles are isolated from each other making future changes easier with less impact to other SIP services.

In the Mediasense SIP Profile, I’ve enabled SIP Options. If I was to have more than one Mediasense server, this is where SIP Options would come in useful. CUCM polls each Mediasense server to determine if its down or up, and will only send INVITES to a Mediasense server in an operational state.

Cisco Call RecordingThe default SIP Trunk Security is good enough for Mediasense. The main field to take not is the Outgoing Transport Type.. This must be TCP. So worth to check this setting. If its been set to UDP, then create a new SIP Trunk Security Profile.

Cisco Call RecordingCreate a new SIP Trunk with the basic settings. Provide good descriptions and select the SIP Profile and SIP Trunk Security profile as created above. Can use either the IP Address or FQDN for the Destination. Port is SIP standard 5060.

Cisco Call RecordingCisco Call RecordingCreate a Route Pattern for the Call Recording profile to match. I’ve just selected the Mediasense_Recording SIP Trunk as the destination. You can also use Route Lists and Route Groups. Ive also placed this route pattern in the Global SYSTEM partition. You can create a new partition for Call Recording and place the pattern into this, then just allocate the Call Recording profile the CSS that has access to the specific partition.

Cisco Call RecordingCreate a Recording Profile selecting the pattern defined above in the Route Pattern step. Also select the appropriate CSS that has access to the partition the call recording pattern is in.

Cisco Call RecordingNow we jump across to the Phones. In this blog I’ll be using the Phone Preferred architecture, hence the phones will be forking media to the Mediasense server. For this to happen the phones need to have the ‘Built In Bridge’ enabled. This is also a global setting if wish to blanket all phones.

Repeat the below steps for each phone/line that will have recording enabled in the Contact Centre.

Enable the Built In Bridge. Save and Apply Config.

Cisco Call RecordingGo to the Line of the Phone (or for the Device Profile). Navigate to the Line Settings for this Device area and select the Recording Option, Recording Profile and the Recording Media Source. In my case, I’ve enabled recording with Selective Call Recording enabled. The alternate option is automatic call recording. (Always On). In this blog, I want to control the Call Recording via UCCX Workflows.

Cisco Call RecordingOptional is to have a beep play to let the call party’s know the conversation is being recorded. Default is set to off.

Cisco Call RecordingAlso optional is to assign a Call Recording Softkey to the phone or device profile. If pressed during a conversation, the CUCM actions to the call recording and not UCCX/Finesse.

Cisco Call RecordingMediasense Configuration

The install for Mediasense is fairly straight forward. After deploying the correct OVA for your environment size and going through the initial CLI configuration wizard configuring IP Address details, DNS Servers etc Its time to browse to the Web GUI.

Log into the Web GUI using the user credentials configured in the CLI wizard. The first couple of screens are more or less notifications and information about mediasense. Click next through these.

Cisco Call RecordingCisco Call RecordingThe AXL Service Provider is the End User created during the CUCM configuration phase. The AXL provide IP Address is of course your CUCM Server (ensure you have the AXL Service activated)

Cisco Call RecordingThe Mediasense will discover all the Call processing Servers in the environment. Funny enough, it also discovers the Presence Servers?

Cisco Call RecordingClick next through the summary page and you will end up at the Administration Console of the Mediasense server.

Cisco Call Recording

Cisco Call RecordingNavigate to the Cisco Finesse Configuration window and enter the UCCX Servers is the appropriate field. Ensure to FQDN for the UCCX Servers.

Cisco Call RecordingNavigate to the Mediasense API User Configuration window and search for the End User created in the CUCM phase. In my case its mediasense. Add the End User to the Mediasense API Users. Also, from the screen, add the users in that shall have GUI access to the search and play browser.

Cisco Call RecordingUCCX Configuration

Start by uploading the Call Recording Count Licenses for CCX. **NOTE Part Number required is “INCREMENT CRS_REC_PORT”

After uploading the licenses, the License Display Screen should look similar to the below.

Cisco Call Recording

Add the Mediasense Recording Server and API User to the CCX Server. This user was added to the Mediasense API User list in the Mediasense configuration phase.

Cisco Call Recording

UCCX Script

Now seeing that I’m going a step further with this configuration due to the customer requirements. I’ll add it all in for you to see. In this particular case the customer required to have an ‘opt-out’ menu for call recording. Hence the caller could select IVR Option ’9′ and essentially opt-out of call recording. For this to happen, we need to first create some script variables. I created a variable called ‘Do_Not_Record’ with a value of ‘Do Not Record’ and linked this String to Call Variable 5. I could’ve created an ECC Variable, however, Im working with UCCX 10.6 at the moment.. And there is a current bug preventing ECC Variables from being used in the Finesse Workflow filters.

I have also create a script variable called ‘Record_Call’ with a value of ‘Record Call’ and linked to Call Variable 2.

See below for Call Variable image along with script insertion.

Cisco Call RecordingCisco Call RecordingFinesse Administration

We need to now create a workflow and utilise the variables created in the previous step. First step is to create a workflow action. See below for the workflow action created, this follows the standard procedure for invoking Mediasense.

Cisco Call RecordingWe then need to create a Workflow filter or match condition. I’ve created a filter or match condition for Call Variable 2 (value = Record Call).

Hence the match condition is when the ‘Record Call’ is presented via Call Variable 2. Relating this to the above script, is when a caller does not press IVR option ’9′ to opt-out, the value ‘Record Call’ is inserted into Call Variable 2.

Add the workflow action and click SAVE.

Cisco Call RecordingNo we can add the Workflow to a Team. Navigate to the Team configuration page and select the appropriate team. Now click the Workflow menu (lower right).

Click the Add button and browse or select the Workflow required.

Cisco Call RecordingAlso worth mentioning is the MS AgentInfo gadget. This gadget inserts/passes metadata to the Mediasense engine. I’ve given two examples below, the first example is a call recording without the AgentInfo gadget, and the second example being with the MS AgentInfo gadget.

To apply the MS AgentInfo gadget, navigate to the Desktop layout configuration page (either Global or Team based). Add the below lines to the Agent Desktop layout. Agents then need to log out of Finesse then back in.

Cisco Call Recording

Cisco Call RecordingNOTE: Mediasense Play Back requires Java 1.7+.

Without the MS AgentInfo Gadget deployed in Finesse

Cisco Call RecordingWith the MS AgentInfo Gadget deployed in Finesse

Cisco Call RecordingOPTIONAL: Unhide the Mediasense gadget for the Supervisor to allow the Supervisor to search and play call recordngs from the Finesse Agent window.

Cisco Call Recording

Apr 15

UCCX – Agents Stuck in Reserved State

UCCX Agents being stuck in a Reserved can be quite frustrating to both the customer and the Agent. An Agent is placed into a Reserved state when the UCCX Engine essentially reserves a inbound call to an Agent. Now that the Agent and the Inbound call are a ‘pair’ the system will try and push the call to the Agents phone.

To allow a customer to be pushed to an Agent immediately, the queue announcements, menu’s or timers must have the radio button “Interruptible” set to Yes. If this is set to No, the Customer will be forced to wait for the current announcement, menu prompt or timer to expire before being be connected with an Agent, this includes MoH.

Screen images or where you can find this parameter in the UCCX Script.


Mar 08

UCCX: Script Validation Failed: java.lang.NullPointerException

Come across a little error with UCCX Scripting. I had a working script configured. As the scripts are object based, sometimes the objects can be moved accidently while you are working on the script. Today I accidently moved the “Start” step and dropped it somewhere in the middle of the script. I moved this step back to beginning, however, the script would now fail. All the debugs would show java.lang.NullPointerException.

I ended up creating a new script and copy/paste the original to the new. Debugs then worked fine and the script was back in action.

Jave Exception Error

Cisco UCCX

Feb 28

WFO – Sync Issue – Check UCCX Name

Receiving a sync error in Cisco QM/AQM Server. The Cisco QM Server not sync any details from the UCCX Server. This issue was resolved by replacing all the hyphens in the UCCX Hostname with underscores.

Below is a snippet from the WFO Install guide.

When typing the database instance name,
use the following guidelines:
? Convert all uppercase characters to lowercase
? Replace all hyphens with underscores
? If the host name starts with a number, add the
prefix i
? Append _uccx to complete the instance name
For example, if your host name is 80-ABC, your instance
name will be i80_abc_uccx.
Primary Instance Name Enter the instance name of the primary Unified CCX
database. When typing the database instance name,
use the following guidelines:
? Convert all uppercase characters to lowercase
? Replace all hyphens with underscores
? If the host name starts with a number, add the
prefix i
? Append _uccx to complete the instance name
For example, if your host name is 80-ABC, your instance
name will be i80_abc_uccx.

Source supportforums.cisco.com/discussion/11077306/qm-80-manual-sync-failure

Jan 30


Agent receives the below error message while attempting to log into Finesse Agent. Agent has been configured to use an 8851 IP Phone. Same Agent can log onto the Finesse Agent using 7945/75 IP Phones.


The Remote Agent User requires CTI Access to the Agents phone. With the new 8851 IP Phone two extra user roles are required (same as the 9971 IP Phone) The roles required are: “Standard CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Connect xfer and conf” and the “Standard CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Rollover mode”

Jan 10

Prompt Recording UCCX – 0.6KB Files No Audio

Configuring a prompt recording script in UCCX requires the Codec G711ulaw be used. As of version 10.6 this is the only supported codec for recording prompts. Typically this was not an issue as the Regions determines the codec used and always prioritised G711ulaw above G711alaw. However with the later versions of CUCM, the Regions configuration menu now includes the ability to preference codecs. So one could give the G711alaw codec a higher preference above the G711ulaw codec. What this means is when you call into the UCCX System, you will still hear all the prompts, however if you attempt to record a prompt using a prompt recording script, the system will record the prompt in G711alaw. All indicators will point to a successful recording, however when looking in the Prompt Directory on the UCCX Server, the wav file is only 0.6KB in size. This file contains no audio.

Ensure the codec negotiated is G711ulaw when recording prompts on UCCX.