We are now is a position to start configuring the Core functions of CMS. One of which is the Web Admin to give us access to the GUI.
Ensure, you have copied the webadmin.key from the CMS 1 host to the remaining CMS Hosts. Then also copy the webadmin.cer and chain certificate to all CMS Servers.
From the console enter the below.
webadmin listen a 445 (This allows the 1st Interface to listen of port 445 for the Web Administration portal. We keep this portal off port 443, as we will configure a Web Bridge later for internal webrtc clients.)
webadmin certs keyfile function_certificate cert_bundle (example: webadmin certs webadmin.key webadmin.cer chain.cer
webadmin enable
The CMS server will cross check the Key file matches the Certificate file, and then ensure the Chain Certificate is the actual signing CA Authority.
To validate the webadmin service.. Enter webadmin status.
Now browse to the https://cms1server.example.com.au:445