Quick note on how Cisco IOS matches dial peers. A single dial peer can be used for both inbound and outbound call legs. The rule destination-pattern can be used for both inbound and outbound dial peer matching, but remember destination-pattern match the calling number (ANI) for inbound call legs and matches the called number (DNIS) for outbound call legs.
Matching Inbound Dial Peer for both VOIP and POTS
- incoming called-number – Matches called number (DNIS)
- answer-address – Matches calling number (ANI)
- destination-pattern – matches calling number (ANI)
- port – Matches inbound Port (POTS ONLY)
- Default dial peer – used with VOIP dial peer ONLY
Default Dial Peer matches the below
- Any codec
- VAD enabled
- DSCP 0
- No TCL or VXML Applications
- No DID
Matching Outbound Call Leg
- destination-pattern – Matches called number (DNIS)