Jul 15

Cisco JID – Resolving Contacts with Blank Spaces

Resolving JID’s when the usernames have a blank space can be challenging. I had an issue where the IM Address would be formatted correctly (email address) when a user viewed their own profile from within Jabber. However, if that same user searched the directory and viewed a contact’s profile, the IM Address would only display the firstname.

The user ID was in the format of “firstnamelastname@domain”

The Jabber client was ending the IM Address string after the firstname. Therefore the presence status would only show offline and the IM Feature was disabled. The blank space was breaking the IM Address.

IMP 10.5.2 was in use and the Directory URI was checked for the Advanced Settings, this was working ok as the IM Address in self view in Jabber was showing the Directory URI

The issue here was the Directory Search and the resolving of contact JID’s to their SIP URI.

Nagajothi Thangapandian provided assistance in this case and advised to hardcode the directory lookup resolver to the SIP URI which was mapped to the email address. Below is the snippet of code that will be placed into the jabber-conf.xml file.

This resolved my issue, but will also come in handy if you need to migrate or change IM Addresses for contacts.

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
<config version=”1.0″>

Jun 25

Working with Blank Spaces – UCCX 10.6

Working with spaces in usernames can be challenging. CUCM 10.5 supports spaces within the usernames and to go a little further CUCM also supports the following characters in usernames =, +, , #, ;, \, , “”. Cisco Jabber also supported the use of spaces in the username; however the space must be removed when entering the CSF/BOT/TAB/TCT device name.

Contact Centre on the other hand does not support spaces, Cisco have an open Bug ID for this at the time writing. This makes it a little hard when the UC system is heavily dependent on the integration with LDAP. Organisations will not simply change their username format for a single application (Phone System).

A workaround is to create local user accounts in CUCM and remove the blank space from the usernames. All other user parameters should reflect the comparable user account. Then allow this local user to control the device used with UCCX. This does create a little more overhead for the UC Administrator and some confusion for the UCCX Agent by having to remember to log into Finesse with a ‘no space’ in their username as well as having to remember a dedicated password for this login.