Mar 03

IOS Dial Peer Pattern Matching

Thought I would post this topic as I know I tend to forget the many patterns and wildcards that can be used in IOS to march dial peer patterns and translation patterns for that fact. Some patterns are more common that others, however for the lab exam, Im sure the questions will have you creating more complex patterns to test your knowledge.

Patterns used in IOS

  • 0-9 A-D * # These are standard DTMF characters used in IOS.
  • . wildcard that matches any single digit. Important to note the . does not match the * or the #
  • +  can be used if first character to indicate +E164 dialling (IOS 12.4.20 – first introduced)
  • + regex that means one or more of the previous character if not first in string
  • ? regex that means zero or one of the previous character
  • % regex that means zero or more of the previous character
  • ^ regex that means beginning of line
  • $ regex that means end of line
  • T wait for interdigit timeout (only used in IOS). This combined with the . matches all numbers Example .T
  • \ escape next character to use as literal character
  • [] range of digits. Example [2-4]66 means 266 or 366 or 466
  • () a collected pattern of digits (normally used with regex) (100)?55511 could mean
    55511 or 10055511

Let me know if you would like examples of patterns and I will add to post.