Dec 10

CUAC Blind Transfers – Invalid Destination

In Cisco Unified Attendant Console operators have two options for call transfers. Blind and Consult. The major difference between these two transfer methods in technical terms is the Consult Transfer uses the Operator’s Phone CSS and the Blind Transfer uses the Service Queue’s (CTI) CSS. Most Engineers will configure the Operators handset to have the ability to call Internal and PSTN phone numbers. However, they neglect to give the same access to the Service Queue CTI Ports. In this scenario, the Operator would experience issues with attempting blind transfers to a PSTN Phone Number. The Console would return a “Invalid Destination” error and return the call to the Operator.

If you make a change to the CSS for the Service Queue CTI Port, you need to synchronise between CUAC and CUCM. Then to apply the changes, the CUAC Engine needs to be restarted from the Web Admin Console.

Nov 30

Cisco CUCM Failover with Cisco Unified Attendant Console HA

CUCM Failover with Cisco UAC Advanced in HA mode.


Two CUCM Subscribers with two Cisco UAC Servers in HA Mode. Each CUAC Server is required to be configured to connect to a difference CUCM Subscriber.

The Cisco UAC always uses the Primary UAC Server for CTI Registration, Triggers, Operator Logins etc. The Secondary UAC Server is in a Standby state.

To ensure CUAC continues to operate as per normal when a CUCM Server fails or is restarted, the below checkbox needs to be checked for both CUAC Servers. This allows each CUAC server to connect to both CUCM Subscribers.


1. The primary and secondary CUAC server connect to different CUCM Servers.

2. Ensure the “Add secondary CUCM information from other server” is checked.


Oct 30

Cisco Unified Attendant Console Service not Starting

After installing Cisco UAC Advanced the Cisco Unified Attendant Server is stuck at initializing, then reverts to service stopped. You will also just see the Engineering and Help Menu when logged in via Web Console.


1. Run the TSP install, this should be located in the Desktop. (The installation process places this file here)
2. Restart the Server.
3. After restart the Cisco Unified Attendant Server service should be in a running state.