Nov 05

Cisco Mediasense 11.5(1) – Role Based Access for Finesse Agents

Mediasense 11.5(1) has introduced the long awaited role based access for Finesse Agent and Supervisors. Finesse Supervisors can monitor the recordings of only their assigned Teams, while Finesse Agents can only view their own recordings. Recordings include active recordings, associated recordings and archived recordings.

For the above to work, the Finesse AgentInfo gadget is required to be active for both Agents and Supervisors. This feature only applies to Finesse Integrated Contact Centres.

To reference additional 11.5(1) features for Mediasense, please use the below link.

May 25

Calabrio QM / AQM Certificates

Certificates are apart of every UC Install these days.. Even more so now with the introduction of Finesse and third-party gadgets. I recently had to install a certificate for the Calibrio AQM Server, rather than you dig through their guides.. I’ve listed the commands you’ll need below. Have fun.

1. Create the certificate signing request.

“C:\Program Files\Cisco\WFO_QM\Java\bin\keytool.exe” -keystore “C:\Program Files\Common Files\QM\config\.keystore” -storepass C@labr1o -certreq -alias jetty -file jetty.csr -ext san=dns:tg2aqm10.topgun2.uplinx

2. Install the CA Root or Chain Certificates.

“C:\Program Files\Cisco\WFO_QM\Java\bin\keytool.exe” -keystore “C:\Program Files\Common Files\QM\config\.keystore” -storepass C@labr1o -importcert -trustcacerts -alias TG2PDC -file root-cer.cer

3. Install the signed certificate for the AQM Server.

“C:\Program Files\Cisco\WFO_QM\Java\bin\keytool.exe” -keystore “C:\Program Files\Common Files\QM\config\.keystore” -storepass C@labr1o -importcert -alias jetty -file jetty.cer

UPDATE: To increase or specify the length of the key, use the attribute -keysize when generating a CSR.