Cisco Meeting Server – LDAP Discussion

Crikey.. All these API commands, recently have been doing a couple of CMS deployments.. And literally have to jot down my most used commands.. aswell as most used IDs.. Can be very tedious to configure then look back at what you have configured!

Thought I would jot down here the commands I most use.. More for my memory as I know more deployments will come my way.. And rather than cross referencing the API continuously.. well you get my drift..

LDAP is a killer.. Customers always seem to create their own variation of standardised ldap fields.. I reckon its just to keep guys like us on our toes..

LDAP API Commands

GET: /ldapservers – displays all ldapservers to go deeper, copy the ldapserver ID and paste it to the end of the above API string.. This will now show all fields for that ldap server connection. Note: you best copy this server ID somewhere safe, as you’ll need it later.

GET: /ldapmappings – this seems never ending when first trying to sync to an organisation’s LDAP..fields most used are , this is the authentication mapping. ie username for the CMA/webrtc client. REMEMBER to configure the XMPP Domain on the CMS and to create a _xmpp-client._tcp.domain 5222 SRV record.

GET: /ldapsources – if you thought ldapmappings was never ending.. you’ll quickly get used punching this little bugger in.. Main culprit is the filter field to ensure you’re only bring across the users required.. One organisation can have multiple ldapsources dependind on what userprofiles are to be assigned to users.

POST: /ldapsyncs – Yes finally we sync to LDAP.. You may need to enter this string a million times over before all the above settings are finalised and users have been successfully imported.. And then.. You’ll enter this string another million times for changes that need to be made..

*Handy Tip*
To remove LDAP users.. Simply delete the ldapsource, then run the POST: /ldapsyncs again…

Ok so what do the fields mean..


<address> = the ldap server IP Address
<port> = port used to connect to ldap. Mainly 389 but can use 3268 if need be.
<username> = This is the service account used to access ldap user records. This must be in a CN path format. Eg. CN=service_user,OU=IT,DC=domain,DC=com
<password> = Password for the service account.. NOTE: this field does not show when running a GET: /ldapserver.
<secure> = whether you want a TLS Ldap connection or leave unsecure.


<jidMapping> = This is the authentication string for users. The @domain MUST match one of your XMPP Domains configured. Example format is $sAMAccountName$ NOTE: you can also insert any AD attribute here if the sAMAccountName is not to your liking. I like to try and the organisation’s email prefix as a standard.. So sometimes I will use $mailNickname$
<nameMapping> = This displays a friendly name for the user in the CMS System. Typically used is $giveName$ $sn$
<coSpaceNameMapping> = This is the display name for the user’s meeting space. Typically used is $givenName$ $sn$’s Meeting Space
<coSpaceUriMapping> = This is the meeting space’s URI prefix. IMPORTANT: This cannot be the same as the <jidMapping> prefix. So typically the URI would be $mailNickname$.space or $sAMAccountName$.space. Get the picture.. append a “.space”.
<coSpaceCallIdMapping> = This is the Meeting Room Number. This code is entered in when someone joins via an IVR or the Weblink. If you do not complete this field.. The CMS system will automatically generate a Call ID for you. NOTE: This field MUST be unique across the organisation AND… across ALL tenants configured on the system. If you can get away with using an extension number and all ldap accounts have a unique extension number (highly unlikely) use this.. Easy for the user to remember.. BUT as with most case.. A system generated Call ID is your only option.


This is where we tie everything together to essentially create profile for the ldap sync.
<server> = This is the ldapserver ID from previous steps.. Paste it in here
<mapping> = this is the ldapmapping ID from previous steps.. Paste it in here
<tenant> = if you are configuring multi-tenancy.. Well paste the tenant ID in here.
<baseDn> = This is the base ldap search path.. ALL users must be within this path. This doesn’t mean you want to import all users in the path.. That is what the “filter” is for.. Example is OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=com
<filter> = This how we specify ‘who’ exactly we want to import. Maybe its just an OU? Maybe its only members of a particular security group. Or only users with a telephone number.. You get my drift.. A couple of examples

Member of Group called ‘CMS’ = memberof=cn=CMS,ou=security,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=com
Member of Group called ‘CMS’ AND have a mailNickname AND Telephone configured = (&(mailNickname=*)(telephoneNumber=*)(memberof=cn=CMS,ou=security,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=com))
Users who have a Telephone Number, but who are not a member of the security Group called ‘CMS’ = (&(telephoneNumber=*)(!(memberof=cn=CMS,ou=security,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=com)))

Why would we need to exclude a Group for? Maybe we only want to attach a PMP+ license to a specific Security Group? And the remaining users to share SMP+ licenses. In this case we would create TWO ldapsources.. One ldapsource with a filter matching all users but excludes users in a security group. Then the other ldapsource to filter only users in the security group. On this ldapsource we will also attach a ‘userProfile’. A userProfile allow us to apply a PMP+ license to users.
<userProfile> = Paste in the userProfile ID. (create a userProfile and attach the ‘haslicense’ to the profile)

We POST to this string.. With no Body everytime we want to sync to ldap.. At this stage there is no schedule we can apply. The option is to create a python script to run the ldapsync on a schedule.. I’ll leave that up to you. But, please post any scripts here for others to use or improve on.

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