Photo Retrieval Using UDS Directory Service in Jabber

Configuring Photo retrieval in Jabber clients to work with UDS Directory Services is slightly different to the EDI methods.

The only photo retrieval method UDS supports is HTTP Based. So you’ll need to create a web server to save your photos too.

Ensure that you can browse and open the photos from a PC or laptop using the HTTP path.

UDS uses a URL Template to dynamically build the photo retrieval path. The variable used by UDS is %%uid%%, this is the username field in CUCM EndUser.

Therefore the only line of code we need in the Jabber-config.xml file is the following


Example Jabber-conf.xml file layout.


Note: If you had tried other methods of photo retrieval, you may need to remove the CSF folder under %profile%\AppData\Local\Cisco\Unified Communications\Jabber. then sign back into Jabber.

Photos should be 128px x 128px. However the Jabber Client will resize if the image is larger.

To verify the photoUrlTemplate is correct review the Jabber Log file under %profile%\AppData\Local\Cisco\Unified Communications\Jabber\CSF\Logs\ and search for the line ‘photoUrlTemplate=’

This should reflect the value of the field in the jabber-config.xml file.

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