Oct 08

Cisco Meeting Server – Part 6: Call Bridges

Now we move onto creating the call bridges within our CMS Architecture. Call Bridges are the work horses.. These guys mix the media streams for conference participants. We will cluster the call bridges in the next step, for now lets setup the base services for the call bridges.

First is to upload the key an certificate files from the above ‘Certificates’ step via SFTP. I name the cert files for the call bridges “callbridge.key” “callbridge.cer”.

The certificate files will be shared among the call bridge servers.. So be sure to upload to each call bridge.

Select the interface for the Call Bridge to listen on. (Typical deployments will have interface ‘a’ selected)

Commands are:

callbridge listen a
callbridge certs callbridge.key callbridge.cer chain.cer
callbridge restart


*Repeat all Call Bridges

The base call bridge service has now been setup for each call bridge.