Jan 21

Upgrading to Cisco Meeting Server 3.5+

Key notes for upgrading to CMS 3.5+ from 3.4 and earlier is to ensure the database cluster is dissolved prior to the upgrade event. Cisco have introduced enhanced security for the Database Cluster from version 3.5.

Key steps is to firstly identify which CMS Nodes are in the database cluster and also which node is the current Primary Node.

Take backups of all CMS Servers prior to making any changes.

Log into the clustered peers and issue the “database cluster remove” command. After each peer is removed, log into the current Primary Node and issue the “database cluster remove” command.

Now the upgrade can take place for each CMS node.

After each CMS Node has been upgraded successfully to 3.5+, the database cluster will need to be re-established.

Log into the Current Primary Node as noted above and issue the command “database cluster initialize”.

Now log into the remaining CMS Nodes and issue the command “database cluster join IP_Address_of Primary_Node”

One last step is to update the schema. Issue the command “database cluster upgrade schema” from the Primary Node.