Sep 25

Deploying Jabber MSI via Group Policy Without Arabic Language

Cisco Jabber is great collaboration tool for any organisation.. The install process for individual PCs is simple and quick.. However deploying Cisco Jabber via Microsoft’s Group Policy is a more painful process for the Windows Administrator. This is because for some unknown reason.. The Cisco Jabber MSI package selects the lowest language identifier to install, this turns out to be Arabic! Great, so how do we deploy Cisco Jabber in English. Well there are a couple of hoops to jump through to have English as the selected language and I’ve briefly documented how below. I’ve also included a link to good Cisco reference and the required EXE’s for Microsoft to play nice.

Download and extract and install WinSDKTools_amd64.msi on Server (you will need x86 installer if 32 bit). After installing this, go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin and double click on Orca.Msi. This will install the Orca application.

Open Orca and navigate to File > Open. Browse to and select the CiscoJabberSetup.msi.

Once the MSI is opened, navigate to View > Summary Information.

Cisco Jabber

Remove all language codes under languages except for 1033 (English).

Cisco Jabber Arabic Language

Click OK and go File > Save As and save over the top of the original CiscoJabberSetup.msi. Language of msi file has now been changed, set up GPO to deploy software.

Cisco Reference: