Sep 10

Jabber – Login Issue – Please Enter Your Password for Webex

Cannot log into Jabber from any device, the “please enter you password for webex” prompt appears in Jabber even though you are attempting to log into a local presence domain.



PC Jabber logs Snippet.

INFO [0x00001a04] [s\impl\system\CredentialsSyncer.cpp(116)] [CredentialsSyncer] [CredentialsSyncer::Impl::syncCredentials] – sync Credentials for : WebEx

If Jabber finds its given Domain in the WebEx Cloud, then it will only attempt to register to the WebEx Cloud for IM and Presence and not the Local IM and Presence Cluster. This is how Jabber is designed.

To resolve the issue, the given Domain name must be removed/unregistered from Webex Cloud. If this cannot be done for any reason then follow one or more of below methods to overcome the issue.

1) Use EXCLUDED_SERVICES=WEBEX during the Jabber for Windows client installation with the MSI:

msiexec.exe /i CiscoJabberSetup.msi /quiet CLEAR=1 EXCLUDED_SERVICES=WEBEX

2) A mobile Jabber client can click on the following URL (from an Email for example):

3) Use ServiceDiscoveryExcludedServices, and specify WEBEX, in a configuration file (group or the global jabber-config.xml file):


<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>

<config version=”1.0″>



