Feb 28

WFO – Sync Issue – Check UCCX Name

Receiving a sync error in Cisco QM/AQM Server. The Cisco QM Server not sync any details from the UCCX Server. This issue was resolved by replacing all the hyphens in the UCCX Hostname with underscores.

Below is a snippet from the WFO Install guide.

When typing the database instance name,
use the following guidelines:
? Convert all uppercase characters to lowercase
? Replace all hyphens with underscores
? If the host name starts with a number, add the
prefix i
? Append _uccx to complete the instance name
For example, if your host name is 80-ABC, your instance
name will be i80_abc_uccx.
Primary Instance Name Enter the instance name of the primary Unified CCX
database. When typing the database instance name,
use the following guidelines:
? Convert all uppercase characters to lowercase
? Replace all hyphens with underscores
? If the host name starts with a number, add the
prefix i
? Append _uccx to complete the instance name
For example, if your host name is 80-ABC, your instance
name will be i80_abc_uccx.

Source supportforums.cisco.com/discussion/11077306/qm-80-manual-sync-failure

Mar 01

Installing the JDBC Driver for Cisco QFO AQM Server

Ensure you have installed Java JDK 1.5 or higher. Current version is 8.0.25. Install this JDK in the default directory. This then gives you access to install the Jar file below.

Navigate to the ibm.com website and search for Informix JDBC.3.70.JC8 Driver. Download this to you server. Extract the .tar file to the bin folder under the JDK install directory. This just makes is easier to install the jar file.
Open CMD and navigate to the SDK directory and run the following command to launch the Informix JDBC Driver setup wizard

“java -jar setup.jar”

This launches the install wizard for the JDBC Driver, follow the prompts and accept the defaults, this will install the JDBC driver under the C:\Program Files\ibm\Informix_JDBC_Driver\lib\ directory. Open the Quality Management Administrator and navigate to Cisco Unified CC Database page. Ensure the JDBC Driver path is C:\Program Files\ibm\Informix_JDBC_Driver\lib\ifxjdbc.jar.

Feb 15

HTTPHostConnectException Error – Cisco WFO AQM

Error received when running the PostInstall.exe wizard.


Check to see if MS IIS is installed on the save server. If IIS s installed, this will also be listening on the TCP port 443. Therefore this conflicts with the jetty service for QM.

We need to change IIS to listen on a different port for HTTPS connections. IIS allows you to change the port binding for HTTP, however IIS will only allow the HTTPS port binding to changed once you have installed an SSLCertificate.

Easiest way is to sign a certificate using an Internal CA, if you don’t have this, you’ll need to purchase a certificate. Run the certificate request wizard on the IIS Server. Once you have completed the certificate signing with the CA and installed the DER file back into IIS, navigate back to the binding section and create a new binding for HTTPS, select the certificate you just installed and change the port to something other than 443.

Restart IIS, then restart the Monitoring and Recording Jetty Service. All should be good now.

Go back and complete the PostInstall.exe wizard.